Friday, June 10, 2011

School's Out!! No Time for Exercise? No Way!!

Now that school is out are you feeling a bit pressed for me time?  Wondering how you are going to juggle staying on your workout routine with entertaining the kids?  No worries!  Just follow these tips, and you won't have to skip a beat!

No time for the gym?  No home equipment?  No problem.  Work out your entire body with just a few moves

1-  Basic Push-ups (works chest, shoulders, and triceps- get rid of those bat-wings!)
     Follow this demonstration to get the right form.
2-Basic Squat (works legs and glutes - excellent lower body exercise!)
  Here are great examples of variations you can do at home.

Just these two exercises work almost your entire body, and can be done in less than five minutes.  Perform each exercise as many times as many times as you can, until exhaustion, every other day.

For calorie burning, heart pumping cardio, try the following activities, which you can do in short bursts, several times a day

Jump rope- just one minute of jumping rope gets your heart rate up enough to wake you up and start your day.  10 minutes of jump rope will burn an average of 100 calories!  Break this up into 3-4 shorter sessions throughout the day ( this is also great for waking you up during that late afternoon slump!)  This jump rope was made from rope from the hardware store for $3!

Burpees-  Try this one 10 times as fast as you can- sure to get your heart pumping, watch this video for a great demonstration  -Burpee Demonstration

Mountain Climbers- Another great exercise for getting your heart rate up quickly- here's a demonstration of mountain climbers

For core and abs, there's nothing like a good old plank.  Here's how to do it..... Plank

Practicing several short bursts of high intensity exercise is actually a really smart way to go.  It trains the heart quickly, and can raise levels of human growth hormone, a lean body hormone that helps build muscle, stay slim, and may reduce the effects of aging!!!

Try this sequence up to 3-4 times a day, every other day.  Each session should take about 8-10 minutes.

2 minutes jump rope
10 squats
10 burpees
30-60 second hold plank
10 pushups
2 minutes jump rope
10 mountain climbers (1 equals 1 time each leg)
30-60 second plank

This short routine will get your heart rate up, burn calories while strengthening and toning at the same time.  And, as part of your SOS plan, it doesn't cost a thing! 

For more information on living healthy while saving money, visit

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